French updates

As you'll probably know by now, I'm in the process of adding a French translation of my site. Most of it is limited to the descriptions above each generator, but I'm also translating many of the generators themselves when possible. These French names will also be available on the English site of course, and this page is meant as a way to provide you with a list of generators that have been updated with French names so you don't have to go searching for them. I'll also provide other information that might be relevant further down below.
There's still a lot of work to be done, but I hope to have the French site up in August, albeit with many generators still in English.
- Emily

List of generators with French additions:

Why French?

Why not? But I realize French isn't as big a language as Spanish, for example, so why would I pick French first? Primarily because I'm learning French myself, so it's a very good way to improve my own French. But also because I happen to have a French friend who works as a translator, so it made the whole process a lot less daunting.

More languages?

If the French version is successful enough, I will definitely add more languages. The first few I'll add will be probably Spanish, German and Portuguese. After that we'll see.
Smaller languages won't be covered though, sorry. The time and money it would take to implement them are too costly considering the audience I'll be able to reach in those smaller languages won't be enough to offset the cost. The French version alone has taken months so far, and will take a while longer still.