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Jörmungandr name generator

This name generator will generate 10 random Old Norse names for monstrous snakes like Jörmungandr.

Jörmungandr, also known as the World Serpent or the Midgard Serpent, is a gigantic sea serpent from Norse mythology and is said to encircle the world as it bites its own tail. When it releases its tail, Ragnarök is said to begin. Jörmungandr is one of three children of Loki and Angrboða. The other two being Hel and Fenrir.
Jörmungandr and Thor have an eternal feud going, which will last until Ragnarok at which point they'll fight each other to the death.

The name Jörmungandr comes from the words jörmun and gandr. Jörmun is a suffix used in the Norse myths to indicate something superhuman and enormous. Gandr can refer to elongated and supernatural entities, but has a variety of other meanings. In this case, the meaning is likely serpent.
For the purposes of this name generator, I used this naming convention and expanded upon it to offer a wide range of names for a wide range of similarly supernatural serpents. I've included the meaning behind each word, but, like Jörmungandr, the meanings can differ depending on interpretations. Additionally, since I'm far from an expert in the Old Norse languages and variants, some of the meanings may not be fully correct. If the meaning is important to your project, I highly recommend double checking the meanings for accuracy.

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