Book title name generator

This name generator will give you 10 random book titles for one of 10 genres based on your choice.
The names are separated into different categories, but they're all pretty straight forward.
Obviously stories will rarely fit just one genre, in fact, out of the 10 genres in this generator you could probably think of a plot that would fit in at least 5 of them.
Some of the names in this generator could occur in multiple genres for this very reason, but if you want to know what you can expect for each genre, I created them with the following in mind:
- Adventure - These book titles will tend to fit epic tales of grand journeys best. They tend to lack specific elements of other genres, like fantasy creatures and sci-fi elements, but a few can be found in these titles as well.
- Children - These book titles were created with young children in mind, ranging from those learning how to read to those slowly progressing to bigger books. So the titles will generally relate to 'my first book' type of titles and books with fun, but often fairly simple stories.
- Drama - These book titles are the most dependent on context. Most of the titles do have darker words and thus a darker feel to them, but some could work just as well as a title for any other genre. 'Vengeance of the South' could be a drama, but it could just as well be an adventure, a fantasy or sci-fi story.
- Fantasy - These book titles have a lot of fantasy related elements, like fantasy creatures and magic. These elements make the titles different from the adventure titles, but these 2 genres share quite a few other elements.
- Horror - These book titles were created with ghost stories in mind. Think 'creepypasta' and stories you may have heard or told your friends around a campfire or during a sleepover.
- Humor - These book titles contain more elements which try to make the title odd or funny, and thus reflect the story itself. The randomness of the generator also causes some results which don't really make sense grammatically, but that could make that title work even better.
- Mystery - These book titles are all about secrets, hidden treasures, and other mysteries. Like the drama titles, these also depend a lot on context.
- Nonfiction - These book titles are mostly meant as titles you'd use for books in your story universe. So if you were writing a story about an elf, books like 'Secrets of the Forest' and 'Creatures of our Realm' might be on their bookshelf.
- Romance - These book titles are, of course, about love. But also about the pain that comes with a break up, as well as stories in which love is the main theme, but not necessarily the plot.
- Sci-Fi - These book titles will fit the futuristic stories best. Aliens, space travel, robotic enslavement, and all the other common themes can be found here.
Note that due to the randomness of this generator, quite a few of the names will have faulty grammar. This happens the most with the last 2 names. But that's just the nature of a random generator.
You can also add custom values to make sure the titles fit your story better. There are two input fields below, check the one you'd like, fill in whatever you like, and click "Get names" to get titles with your value. The first box will replace the first words of the results, the second will replace the second half.
To start, select the book genre you want titles for and then click on the 'get names' button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.
The art above was kindly submitted by Lia R.