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Music band/group name generator

This name generator will give you 10 random names for music bands, music groups, and many names can also be used for single artists.

I initially wanted to separate the names per genre, but band name styles tend to overlap a lot, and they can be pretty much anything, so instead I put them all together.
Some names will still fit some genres better than others, but I've found a lot of names used in real life which could be used for nearly any genre, whether it's because it fits, because it's ironic or because it's just a weird, quirky name.

There are over 18000 different name combinations, and while not every combination will work as well as the other, there's bound to be plenty of names fit for every genre.

Band names can be pretty much anything in pretty much any style. Some use their real or stage name, others use a popular phrase, some use a single word, and others combine 2 words to describe them or to create an original, witty name, and some choose a whole different style all together.
I pretty much stuck to the 1 word names and the 2 word combo names, as those are generally the most widely used names (Nirvana, Kiss, Metallica, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Dire Straits, etc.).

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

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