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Nickname generator - Game of Thrones (ASoIaF)

This name generator will give you 10 random nicknames fit for the Game of Thrones tv show and the A Song Of Ice And Fire book series.

Nicknames are obviously very important in the series, sometimes a nickname is more well known than a real name, which is true for both the viewers of the show, the readers of the book and the characters themselves.
Most people will know Sandor Clegane as The Hound and Petyr Baelish as Littlefinger, depending on how well you remember names of course.

Nicknames have the power to both create and destroy reputations. Single deeds can become lifelong titles of pride or unfortunate symbols of shame, just ask Jaime 'Kingslayer' Lannister.

The nicknames in this generator are varied, so you'll be able to find names for knights, kings, commoners, wildlings and anything in between.
Some names will have a title, like King or Lord, but those can be considered placeholders for whatever character may need a nickname. 'King of Fools' can easily be turned into 'Lord of Fools' or 'Hero of Fools'.

Some names will work well on their own, similar to The Imp and The Viper. Other names will work better in combination with a real name, somewhat similar to Jaime 'Kingslayer' Lannister, although Kingslayer also works on its own.

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

The background image above is a low res version of an image part of HBO's Game of Thrones, all rights belong to its rightful owners. This is not an official name generator, merely one inspired by this universe.