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Russian name generator

This name generator will generate 10 random Russian names.

Russia is the biggest country in the world, spanning from eastern Europe all the way to eastern Asia. Despite it's enormous size, Russia ranks 9th in terms of population size, with a population of 144 million people.

In Russia, names aren't used in the same way most of us would use them, especially in formal ways.
In legal documents, the surname is usually written first, then the first name and then a patronymic name, which is a name based on the father's name. The patronymic name is important as it's polite to call somebody by their first and patronymic name.

Many names have a short version however, which is used as a nickname. Those names are in brackets in this generator. In real life there are various versions of nicknames, they're usually fairly similar to each other, but one version may only be used by friends, while another may only be used by lovers in private moments for example.
If you want a modern/traditional Russian name, stick to those with a nickname.

In this generator the order of the names are the same as you'd see them on many legal documents, so first the surname, then the first name with or without a nickname in brackets and then the patronymic name.

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

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