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Aztec (Nahuatl) name generator
This Aztec (Nahuatl) name generator will generate 10 names which either are or will (mostly) fit the (older) Nahuatl languages.
Nahuatl is an Aztec language group, some of which are still spoken today.
Unfortunately there aren't too many real Aztec names available, mostly because there simply are not enough artifacts and other historical documents.
However, I noticed a lot of names had parts which were the same or similar, so I split them up in order to mix those names, and thus "unlocking" 1000's of fake names.
For those who wish to only use real names, the first 4 names in this generator are real names. The last 6 names are combinations of name parts, many of which could very well have been real names.
Note that the Aztecs had a lot of unisex names, so you'll see quite a lot of names appear in both the male and female generator.
To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.
The art above has kindly been submitted by Jonas De Ro, click to visit his website.