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Serbian name generator

This name generator will generate 10 random Serbian names and surnames.

Serbia is a country in Southeastern Europe and has a population of about 7 million people. Serbia has a rich and rather violent history filled with wars and revolutions, which is part of why Serbia shares similar traits with many neighboring countries when it comes to names.

Serbian names, like many other Slavic names, used a patronymic system for their surnames. While this system isn't used as strictly as some other Slavic countries anymore, many surnames still end in 'ić', which can be seen as the equivalent of 'son' in names like 'Johnson' and 'Wilson'.
However, Serbian names aren't just patronymic, they can also be based on the mother's name, on a personality trait or on an occupation (sort of like 'Baker' and 'Butcher'). But out of all the suffixes, 'ić' is still by far the most common.

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

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