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Marathi name generator

This name generator will generate 10 random Marathi names and surnames.

Marathi is a language spoken by over 73 million people, most of whom live in Maharastra in western India. It's the 19th biggest language in the world, but the 4th biggest in India. The earliest records of Marathi date back to about 2000 years ago.
Maharastra is India's most populous and wealthiest state, and is used as the location of many big budget Bollywood movies.

Marathi names share many elements with those of other major languages in India, which is largely due to religious influences. Religious names are usually found across all language groups with members of Hinduism, names of specific gods are quite common, for example.
Surnames are easier to spot however. Many Marathi surnames end in an -e or in -kar, but there are exceptions of course.

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

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