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Dragonkin names - RuneScape

This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the dragonkin part of the RuneScape universe.

Dragonkin are powerful, dragon-like creatures once enslaved by a powerful elder-god who tasked them with guarding a powerful stone (Stone of Jas), the stone from which magic came to be accessible in Gielinor. Some continue to protect the stone, others have different tasks in the world. Some of these still remain to be discovered by future content additions in the game.

Dragonkin names are guttural, but melodic sounding. There are many k-sounds and s-sounds, but these aren't part of every name. Names also seem to be unisex, but this is all based on only about a dozen available names, and only one of them is female.

To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names.

The background image above is a low res version of an image part of the Jagex copyright. This is not an official name generator, merely one inspired by, and compatible with this universe.