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Kikuyu name generator

This name generator will give you 10 random Kikuyu names.

The Kikuyu people are the largest ethnic group living in Kenya, with a population of just under 7 million people. The name Kikuyu comes from the word gĩkũyũ, meaning 'huge sycamore tree', which in turn comes from their mythology. Gĩkũyũ had a companion, Mũmbi , who were both created by God, and were the two original parents of the Kikuyu people.

The Kikuyu are a Bantu people, and thus their language is a Bantu language. As such you might find the Kikuyu names familiar when compared to one of the many other Bantu languages. Kikuyu names can definitely be complex to those not familiar with their conventions however.
The Kikuyu will cycle through names, which in a way ensures their elderly are reincarnated through the naming of their children, but it also means names are given in specific orders.

The firstborn son will receive the last name of the paternal grandfather as their first name, and the firstborn daughter will receive the last name of the paternal grandmother. The second born will take the last names of the maternal grandparents, and after that it moves to uncles and aunts.
Their last name is the first name of the father. Then there can also be a baptism name, which will be the true first name, but this name may also be a chosen one, or might not be present or used at all.
So if a man named Njomo Kamande, who's father is named Kamande Wanderi, has a firstborn, male child, that child would be named Wanderi Njomo.

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